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Epilogue .IX
The Song of the Tritoness .VIII
In the Deep of the Many-eyed pt 2 .VII
 A Silhouette in the Waves .VI
The Arrow of Melusine and .V
the Queen of Idols
The Siren at the Water's Edge .IV
In the Deep of the Many-eyed pt. 1 .III
The Voyage of the Queen Anne's Lace .II
On a Page Between Spaces .I

Where Head Meets Tale

q The Farmland
and the forests Edge


y A Boy Called June

Between What it Was o
and Was to Me  

The Siren and The  x
Map's Edge  

A Girl Named July  r

p In Medias Res

Where June Meets July:

The Book of Summer w and Sea  

Lake Galgalim u

Eve Beneath The Maple Tree



t Lake Adeyoha

I. Overture
II. On a Road Trip that Summer's Day...
III. At a Dance Where the Stars Cross
IV. O Tonight
V. Maps
(in the tune of the "Great Midwestern Summer Jig")
VI. The Cicada's Song pt. 1
VII. The Cicada's Song pt. 2
VIII. Secretus Liber:
Beneath the Fireworks that fell in Mystique Participation
IX. In the Space Between Pages...


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